Thursday, July 19, 2018

Hypertension, causes,prevention


It is health condition, in which blood pressure raises from normal blood pressure.

Cause of high blood pressure-

(1) smoking

(2) lack of physical activity
(3) obesity/ excess fat
(4)older age
(5)too much alcohol comsumption 
(6) adrenal and thyroid disorders
(7) chronic kidney disease
(8) fatty food and food too much salt
(9)sleep apnea
(10) harmonal imbalance


(1) healthy life style
  • Eating a healthy diet.
  • Maintaining a healthy weight.
  • Getting enough physical activity.
  • Not smoking.
  •  Limited alcohol 

Saturday, July 14, 2018

What is blood pressure? Normal blood pressure

Blood Pressure-

  •  Blood pressure is the Measure force of blood pushing  against blood vessel walls or pressure of circulating blood.

  • It is expressed in term of systolic and diastolic.

Systolic - maximum Blood presure(120-139)
Diastolic - minimum blood pressure(80-90)

High normal blood pressure is also known as prehypertension

  • It  is measured in millimeters of mercury (mmHg)
A sphygmomanometer -  a device used for measuring arterial pressure of blood.

Normal blood pressure-less than 120 over 80
Elevated- 120-129/ less than 80

Stage 1 high blood pressure- more than 130-139/80-89

Stage 2 high blood pressure-140-above/90 and above

Hypertension crisis- higher than 180/higher than 120

If your blood pressure is above and lower from normal range than talk to doctor.. thanks (in next post we will discuss about hypertension and hypotension)

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Kidney stone, types, symptoms , prevention and its causes

Kidney stone- 

A hard, crystalline mineral material  and acid like calcium,uric acid formed within the kidney or urinary tract.
 It is form when there is decrease in urine Volume and or  an excess of stone-forming substances in the urine.
Hereditary factors and diet  are also associated to stone formation.
A Ultasound ,intravenous pyleography (IVP), or a CT scan are important diagnosis. 
Nephrolithiasis - medical term for kidney stones
Mostly kidney stone forms in women than man

Types of kidney stone-

kidney stone are made up of different crystal -

(1)calcium  stone  (calcium phosphate or maleate)-  eating fever oxalate food can reduce your risk.

(2)uric acid- increase through urine’s acidic level. 

(3)cystine stone — an acid that occurs naturally in the body.

(4) Struvite stone- found mostly in women with urinary tract infection (UTIs). These stones can be large and cause urinary obstruction, kidney infection.


(1) severe, sharp, suden, continuous pain in lower back,side part of body and abdomen.
(2) Nausea & vomiting, often from the intense pain
(3) pain & buring during urination 
(4)frequent urination
(5) blood in urine
(6) unplesent and odd smelling urine
(7) sweating
(8) kidney stones may get stuck in a ureter. This blockage can slow or stop the flow of urine
(9)chills & fever- sign of infection in kidney and urinary tract

Prevention of kidney stone/ causes-

(1)stay hydrated/ drinking more water

(2)take calcium rich food- Low-calcium diets may increase your kidney stone risk and your risk of osteopopsis.
(3) eat less animal protein -(avoid-beef, poultry, fish) animal protein are acidic and may increase urine acid. High urine acid may cause uric acid and calcium oxalate kidney stones.
(4) avoid vitamic C supplements
(5) eat less sodium-too much salt in the urine prevent calcium from being reabsorbed from the urine to the blood. This causes high urine calcium, which leads to kidney stones.
(6)Limiting oxalate-rich foods will help prevent the stones from forming.( eg-tea,beets,chocolate,sweet potatoes,etc)

If all these symptoms sign then consult with doctor. Thanks

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

What is vitamin D? Its important role, Vitamin D deficiency -10 Causes and 10 symptoms, vitamin D deficiency treatment and food sources


A group of fat-soluble
secosteroids responsible for increasing intestinal absorption of calcium , magnesium , and phosphate, and multiple other biological importance. In humans, the most important compounds in this group are vitamin D 3 or cholecalciferol and vitamin D 2 or  ergocalciferol. The major natural source of the vitamin is synthesis of cholecalciferol in the skin from 7 dehydrocholesterol under the action of ultraviolet B  rays.
Vitamin D from the diet or skin synthesis is biologically inactive; enzymatic conversion or hydroxylation in the liver and kidney is required for activation.

Role of vitamin D-

(1) vitamin D absorb calcium
(2) higher level of vitamin D are associated with decresing risk of breast cancer.
(3) promote bone growth
(4) improves lungs health due to possing a range of anti inflammatory properties.
(5) immunity - seasonal nature disease cold flu due less sun exposure.
(6) mood - high level of vitamin D will relife from depression.
(7) regulate blood pressure 
(8) supports cardiovascular health

Most Common  symptoms -
(1) bone pain-vitamin D helps in absorption of calsium, metabolism of bone
(2) Tiredness & fatigue (which is adsociated with low blood pressure)
(3) impaired wound healing
(4) depression
(5) hairloss
(6) muscle weakness
(7) sweating more than usual
(8)high rising blood pressure
(9) decreased endurance
(10) however , mild vitamin D deficiency is not necessarily associated with any symptoms.

Most most common causes/ risk factor

(1) diet- neglect the highly vitamin D sources food like milk, egg, fish, etc
(2) missing out the sun rays or being indoor too much
(3) Living at a high latitude - less access of the sun's ultraviolet-B  rays.
(4) Living in a highly polluted area- Pollution  may absorb some of the sun's rays, so reducing scope to make vitamin D.
(5) Using large quantities of sunscreen - to  block UV rays or sun light
(6) Having darker  skin- which protects from UV rays
(7) Age -ability to absorb vitamin D may decline with increasing age.
(8) Gut health -Disorders that affect the gut, as
Crohn's disease , can reduce the intestine ability to absorb vitamin D.
(9) Kidney and liver health -liver or kidney disease  reduces  vitamin D levels.
(10) Pregnancy or breast-feeding -The nutritional demands of an infant or fetus will lower vitamin D.
(11) obesity- excessive bady fat, which reduce the muscle parformance.

Disease form its deficiency-

(1) Rickets- childhood bone disorder like stunted growth
(2) Osteoporosis- bone density decrese
- Too much vitamin D can pose health risks. Low  blood levels of the vitamin have been associated with the following- 
- Cancer
- Increased risk of death from cardivascular disease
- Cognitive impairment in older adults
- Severe asthma in children 

Prevention of vitamin D deficiency- 

  • Take foods rich in vitamin D- Fatty fish (tuna, salmon, and mackerel)  fish liver oils,Beef liver, cheese, and egg and milk, cereals.
  •  exposure to natural sunlight: 15-20 minute each day 
  • Take vitamin supplement 
  • Consult with doctor and any doubt hey guyz do comment.. thanks

Monday, July 9, 2018

CANCER and its causes & symptoms

when cells in body grow in a way that is  uncontrollrable not normal

(1) lump, any where on your body
(2) unexplanined fever
(3) unexpected weight loss
(4) abnormal bleeding
(5) prolonged cough
(6) continued itching in anal or genital  areas
(7) extreme tiredness
(8) blood in urine
(9) changes in bowel movements
(10) night sweating

Common causes of cancer- 

(1) diat and physical activity
(2) smoking and tobacoo
(3) excessive alcohol
(4) sun & other radiation
(5) virus other infection
(6) obesity (excessive body fat)
If you have any of sign & symptoms above then talks to doctors. The sooner cancer is detected , there is better chances of sucessfull treatment.
God bless to all

Food Poisoning & symptoms & prevention

Food poisoning outbreaks have incresed worldwide.  Which  is Caused by eating contaminated food. Infectious organism including bacteria, viruses, and parasites or their toxin.
Abdominal cramps, diarrhea, vomitting, loss of appetite, mild fever ,weakness, nausea, headaches, malaise, sweating, etc
Prevention -
(1) carefull wash your hand before prepareing and eating food.
(2) clean carefully dishes and utensils.
(3) look around, is restaurent clean.
(4) if your are ill with diarrhea and vomitting do not prepare food.
(5) wash your hand after using toilet, changing diapers, caughing, sneezing.
Consult a doctor for medical advise.

Stop using formalin to preserve fish because Its very dangerous for health.

Formalin test positive in fish. Cancer inducing chemical found in formalin, which is used illegally to preserve fish. Formalin causes major health problems like irritation in eyes, throat, skin and stomach. In the long run continued exposure cause harm to the kidnay, liver, and even Cancer..

Hypertension, causes,prevention

Hypertension- It is health condition, in which blood pressure raises from normal blood pressure. Cause of high blood pressure- ...